How do you prepare for a bank interview?
Anyone who needs money can go to their bank and apply for a loan or have an overdraft facility set up on their current account. However, banks are hesitant when it comes to new customers and newly founded companies. The same applies if the company is not profitable or does not provide any meaningful documentation.
It is important to prepare well for the bank interview.
This includes the preparation of a business plan which, in addition to presenting the business idea with a detailed discussion of the sales and competitive situation, includes sales and cost planning, a profitability forecast and liquidity planning for several years. If the company has already been active on the market, the results of the past must be presented in an appealing manner. This includes presenting the annual financial statements in a meaningful way, e.g. in a report prepared by a tax consultant or auditor and accompanied by a certificate or audit opinion. The report should also contain further information such as a breakdown of the balance sheet and income statement accounts, a statement of changes in fixed assets and legal and tax circumstances.
The most important factors for the bank are the equity ratio and the applicant’s ability to repay the loan with interest.
Are you interested? Contact us, we look forward to advising you.