GGI is a public limited company under Swiss law with its administrative headquarters in Baar. More than 600 member companies are present in over 120 countries. The more than 30,000 employees of the member companies generate a cumulative turnover of over 6 billion US dollars. GGI regularly performs well in international rankings of Alliances and Associations and is positioned at number 1 or 2 in the rankings. In any case, it is the largest multidisciplinary association of independent auditing, tax advisory, law, consulting and fiduciary firms in the world.
GGI is a member of EGIAN, the European Group of International Accounting Network and Associations, and of AILFIN, the Association of International Law Firm Networks. GGI is a referral alliance and not a network according to §319b HGB. As a referral allicance, GGI does not practise the profession of auditor, tax advisor, lawyer, management consultant or trustee. GGI also does not provide consulting services to third parties. GGI is also not a joint venture or partnership of the participating firms. As the firms in the referral alliance are independent, GGI is not responsible for the services or the quality of the services provided by the participating firms. Similarly, Benefitax GmbH is not responsible for the services or the quality of the services provided by other GGI members.
Further information on our worldwide contacts can be found here.