Steuerberatung und Wirtschaftsprüfung für den Mittelstand +49-69-25622760

Steuerberatung und Wirtschaftsprüfung für den Mittelstand +49-69-25622760

Foreign direct investments to Germany (inbound investments)

A wide range of structuring options are available for foreign investments in Germany. Whether you are looking to purchase or invest in an existing German company or set up your own subsidiary or permanent establishment (FDI), we can provide you with professional support. We are also happy to assist you with the choice of legal form and location. With our help, you can shed light on the maze of German bureaucracy so that you do not come into conflict with German laws or authorities. We submit applications on your behalf, negotiate with the authorities, find other service providers such as lawyers, notaries, surveyors or real estate professionals. We submit declarations on time and, if we have been granted bank authorization, ensure that payments are made on time. This leaves you more time to concentrate on your core business.

You can find further information on how we can support you on the following pages, for example:

You can find general information on the following pages, for example:

Expansion: competent contacts in many countries. Give us a call: 069-25622760
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